Museum Windsor

Jacques Baby's portrait

Jacques Baby's portrait

Jacques (James) Baby (painted 1825-1830). B. in Detroit, 1763, member of local French mercantile family, was also a member of both the Executive and Legislative Councils of Upper Canada. In 1807, he and his wife, Elizabeth Abott bought the Duff-Baby house. Jacques was the brother of Francois Baby whose house (built in 1812) is the current location of Windsor's Community Museum. Francois was a militia officer, politician, justice of the peace and businessman. The Baby family, who were French and Roman Catholic was one of the most powerful in the Western District of Upper Canada. Following the British conquest of the French in 1760, the family pledged allegiance to the British crown and enjoyed good relations with the government at York (Toronto). However, it was sometimes regarded with suspicion by the local French-speaking population due to their close ties to the governing authorities.