Vision Fellowship

X-mas Seal Painting

X-mas Seal Painting

The 4th X-mas seal painting (1935-1936)

This museum is about love stories of Canadian Christian missionaries who loved Koreans more than Koreans themselves did.  Starting from 1888, over 195 Canadian missionaries went to Korea, an impoverished backwater hermit kingdom, to bring God’s love to her.  They helped Koreans in every aspect of life to pull themselves out to the modern world and eventually to build the now independent, prosperous and wildly successful democratic nation.  Korea now contributes to the wellbeing of the nations as the 12th biggest economy of the world.  Presently over 25,000 Korean Christian missionaries are working in more than 200 nations as messengers of God’s love.  Truly all Koreans are heavily indebted to those selfless Canadian missionaries.  Koreans consider them their heroes and heroines.  Unknown and unsung in Canada, yet they are Canada’s proud heritage.  In this museum, their pictures and relics are exhibited in panorama so that their sacrificial lives can be seen and told in heart-moving stories.  The staffs of this museum are ready to help every Canadian visitor to learn about their hidden treasure of history.  

Canadian Missionary Medical Dr. Sherwood Hall initiated to publish X-mas seal in Korea 1932 in an effort to eradicate tuberculosis, which was a deadly epidemic disease inflicting one out of five Koreans. He printed X-mas seals every year and sold them nationwide by sending out volunteers who were dedicated to the cause. Those volunteers were not only fundraisers but also educators who were to teach people how to prevent the spread of the disease. Largely thanks to this effort, Korea eventually succeeded to rid herself of the devastating disease.


Vision Fellowship Museum

2-26th Street, Toronto, ON   M8V 3R1

Tel: 416-251-7774

Hours: Tue/Thu 8:00am - 2:00pm

             Sat           8:30am - noon

* However, other visiting days and hours can be arranged for your convenience.

Fees: Donation only, No debit or credit


Type: Christian Missionary Museum l Archives

